Support Parrott Creek's Home Safe Program image

Support Parrott Creek's Home Safe Program

Your donation helps provide housing for mothers fleeing domestic violence with their children and at risk of homelessness

$230 raised

$1,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Home Safe Program is life changing:

"In May we had a text from a current Home Safe client stating she had a friend who was in desperate need of support as she was homeless and living in her car with a three month old baby. The young lady was only 19 and had been living in her car for five months!. She had become homeless as a result of domestic violence at the hands of her mother’s boyfriend and her mom’s ongoing addiction.

I reached out to the young woman via text to introduce myself and identify if she wanted help and support. Jane (not her real name) said that she was very willing to meet me to talk. I asked at that time if she was in need of food or any basic needs and she stated she needed a way to go to Salem to stay with a friend for the upcoming holiday weekend.

I met Jane at Walmart with a gas and food gift card, and checked in with her. We spoke for a little while and I shared with Jane about our Home Safe program and what it offers. I encouraged her to call CHA (Clackamas Housing Access line) and get on the waitlist. Jane reported she would contact me the following week, which she did to let me know she had heard from CHA and she had a screening scheduled.

Jane met with Kalena and I to discuss Home Safe further and to fill out the intake paperwork. Jane then set out to identify possible apartments that she was interested in. She decided on an apartment in Clackamas and was accepted quickly thereafter. Jane’s move in date arrived quickly and Kalena reached out to Junk Luggers to let them know that we had a mom in need of furnishings for her new home. On July 5th Jane received her keys and shortly behind were the Junk Luggers with enough furniture and items to fill her new home.

The smile on Jane’s face, and her words of gratitude and appreciation were priceless. Now she can feel safe and comfortable with her daughter, and is working towards employment, building life skills, and, ultimately, being self-sufficient."

--Shawna Neumann, Recovery and Housing Program Manager

Your support helps young mothers and their children find safe and stable housing. Please make your tax-deductible gift today.